Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Art Display - Photography Prints mounted on MDF (111cm x 161cm)

Book of digital photography prints inspired by traces
Collection/display of photography work

Textile Display - Blinds screen printed, painted and layered with net, paper and embroidery on dissolvable fabric

Concertina Book of Textile Samples
Painted and hand embroidered drawings
Painted and layered fabriano paper

Drawings mounted either side of Blind (60cm x 160cm)

Blinds (60cm x 160cm) hanging in windows

Side View
Front View

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Cornish Landscape

Photography and Article published in Cornish Story Magazine.
Spring Edition pp.23-26

To view my article on the Cornish Landscape follow this link:


Wednesday, 16 March 2011

A photograph is a trace

A photograph is a trace. My research has made me realise this fact. A camera catches life as we see it. A photograph holds a memory. It presents one moment in time. It can be shown and explained to others. It lives on as a part of what 'once' was. A trace is a precious record of 'once'. Time goes by and things change, I have captured marks that usually go unoticed.